Preparation For the Journey Ahead
In partnership with Southeastern University, an accredited private, Christian university, and with all the benefits of being part of the CC Plus Undergrad Program, the Odyssey Year provides Challenge IV graduates an opportunity to earn 30 college credits in a leadership and personal development program overseen by CC Mentors.
Five Aspects of Odyssey
- Biblical Leadership
- Spiritual Growth
- Personal Development
- Practical Skills
- Experiential Learning
What is an Odyssey Student?
An Odyssey student is a leadership-minded graduate of Challenge IV and will be 18 years of age by September 1st of the enrollment year. With the assistance of mentors and the academic advisor, Odyssey students will be able to customize a perfect fit of college course work in balance with the demands of work, school, and their many personal commitments- All while enjoying their first-year college experience from the security of home. Odyssey is the bridge between the safety of Challenge and the possibilities of the future!