Classical Conversations Plus​

CC Plus opens college doors for homeschool families

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Concurrent Enrollment Program​

Maximize your student’s effort with concurrent enrollment. While enrolled in your local CC Community Challenge program, your student can also earn college credit from an accredited university! Whether your student wants to get some upper-level experience under their belt or has their eye on earning a degree, CC Plus is the way to go!​

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Homeschool students work on a computer

Undergraduate Program​

What comes next for your Challenge graduate? Increasingly, families are choosing online degrees for their affordability, flexibility, and access to high quality courses without the commitment of an on-campus experience. CC’s undergraduate program provides a path for an online college degree through Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, an accredited Christian college.​

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homeschool parents talking outside

Master of Arts Program​

Does classical education ignite your passion for increased study? Do you consider questions like, “What is the difference between Christian and secular education?” Or “What is the role of imagination in education?” Explore these and other high-level ideas while gaining practical experience in subject area knowledge and applied practice teaching. This partnership for an online degree with Classical Conversations, Inc. and an accredited university, SEU in Lakeland, Florida, offers you the best of both—the ideas that light your fire and the skills to keep it burning! ​

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Students giving thumbs up and smiling at the camera

Odyssey Year

The Odyssey Year builds a bridge from the known territory of the Challenge Program to the bright opportunities of the future! Odyssey guides your student to take bold new steps into self-reliance, self-assurance, and confidence with the support of a mentor. Southeastern University, an accredited Christian school, offers the opportunity to earn up to 30 college credits. Watch your student journey forward into self-mastery and knowledge!​

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a student writes in a booklet

So excited for SG to begin this semester. So glad it doesn’t add time to our schedule outside the house & the carpool shuffle.


Amen! My youngest took CC+ classes and, while he can’t graduate earlier in his Engineering Project Management degree, it allows him to get a minor in Computer Information Systems AND take one less class per semester. THANK YOU CC!


Our first semester has been amazing. I can’t believe that, if we hustled, my DD could almost finish an associates degree by graduation. For about $11k. And no extra books.


Our Program By Group

Graduates and Parents
